Friend dreams


Iris wants to 170cm tall
Iris wants to be called Celine Roxanne
Iris wants to live till she has killed me
Iris wants to be a clothes designer
Iris wants to be a architecture if she can't be a designer
Iris wants to take ART and DVC in the following years
Iris wants to take Japanese and mabye French in following years
Iris wants to go to Paris and Japan
Iris wants to get rid of all memories
Iris wants to kill me for writing this
Iriz has a waterproof phone
Iris will kill me for this... MWHAHAHA!!!



Ash wants to be a mushroom
Ash's dad is a super builder
Ash is a visual learner
Ash will blow you away



Mia wants to not die before the age of 21 or 60
To skip the bus home from home
To invent time travel
To not live in a slum
Take her food, it is good



Charlotte likes to be called Cool Kid
Charlotte likes to be called fabulous girl
Charlotte likes to be called char-way?
Charlotte likes frogs
Charlotte likes mints
Charlotte likes to sweep leaves?!