- Iris, where you goin?
- I will blow you away
- I'm a visual learner
- Show me the answer
- Imagine
- Imagine not
- The yellow poster will haunt you in your dreams with questionable pictures
- I'm winning at my assessment
- How many dead people are in your basement
- Dirty crime boy
- Fix the hole in the crotch
- when you die I will turn green
- I will do it on Tuesday
- What are you
- Orphaned squared
- Like a dino
- I get you good vodka
- Finger waggle of shame
- Dam they're stretchy
- Good quality skin
- I can sell this on the black market
- I'm trying to be good at somthing and you're not helping
- Rainbow on a budget
- How many bananas can you eat on a empty stomach?... 100? (Ash's answer)
- Vertically long (meerkats are apparently)
- The water goes bloop
- Meerkats are bad because they look like submarines and submarines are bad because they blew up stuff in ww2
- NeuTrOnS aRe UsElEsS...
- Hopefully they won't notice that I handed it in late, I mean it was close.
- What day is Friday? Friday?
- I want to be a mushroom when I grow up
- Spyar
- I'm Spiderman! Splear
- Tiny Spidey
- Interesting facts: there are cat photos
- Earlier then early
- i knock you out with a sycamore tree
- i still have did you know
- i dont have it, i kidnapped it
- Strategically wake them up
- super builder
- i didn't know the sound button would turn the volume up
- "I am always right, even if the sky is purple and full of hedgehogs" ... "Don't look at the sky"
- "That's going to be my...owwww"
- "Mind controlling beanie"
- My lungs on fire
- i do hope it mentions my increasingly amazing personality
- like a star in the sky